
What Is National Minority Mental Health Month?

Many may not know this, but the month of July is National Minority Mental Health Month! Each year, this month is observed in July to bring awareness to mental health and the struggles that minority communities face in this country. By bringing awareness to minority mental health, we can offer resources for these communities to utilize as well. 

No one should feel like they don’t have access to quality mental health care. In fact, SokyaHealth was created from the need for complete quality mental health and wellness services. Especially over the past two years of quarantine and isolation, there has never been a greater need for quality mental health services online. Sokya can provide virtual mental health services to minority communities across the country. If you are part of a minority group and looking for access to quality mental health care, consider treatment with Sokya today. 

Common Barriers Faced by Minority Communities

Many factors have hindered access to quality mental health care across minority communities. Some include lack of insurance coverage, limited resources, and language barriers. Another issue is when these communities lack quality mental health professionals. We used to live in an age where options for mental health services were limited by geography. That’s no longer the case. The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) published an evidence-based resource guide series to showcase how telehealth can be used to treat serious mental health and substance use disorders.

Resources like this can help minority communities understand how they can seek quality treatment from the comfort of their own homes. Some barriers are still present despite virtual treatment, factors like lack of insurance coverage. However, virtual therapy broadens the pool of potential therapists or counselors. It offers more professionals who speak any native languages that may be needed and opens the door to a number of extra resources and connections that can aid individuals on their path to improved wellness. Other factors that may have hindered individuals from seeking qualified treatment are lack of transportation or child care. Virtual therapy can resolve these barriers as well.

Resources for Minority Communities 

While July is National Minority Mental Health Awareness Month, April was National Minority Health Month. SAMHSA offers a number of behavioral health equity resources that you may be able to utilize today. According to SAMHSA, National Minority Health Month is designed to “highlight the important role individuals and organizations can play in helping to reduce health disparities and improve the health of racial and ethnic minority and American Indian/Alaska Native Communities.” It’s essential to focus not just on minority mental health but on spreading awareness altogether about healthcare access across these minority communities. 

In addition to the obstacles already present in seeking mental health care among minority communities, the COVID-19 pandemic made it “harder for racial and ethnic minority groups to get access to mental health and substance use treatment services,” according to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Office of Minority Health (OMH) regarding National Minority Mental Health Awareness Month

Throughout the month, the OMH will be promoting tools and resources that address the stigma around mental health, specifically among minority populations. They are encouraging people to continue visiting their webpage throughout the month of July. You may also consider checking out their resources and publications page. By accessing resources such as these, you’ll do so much more than educate yourself. You’ll be able to share what you learn with others and pass along the knowledge that this month strives to spread. 

How Sokya Can Help 

In addition to resources from SAMHSA and the OMH, we went to explain a bit more about how SokyaHealth can help you improve your mental health today. As mentioned above, Sokya was created from the need for quality mental health services through an online space. Through a combination of evidence-based treatment and a holistic, whole-person approach to wellness, we are able to help all kinds of people from anywhere across the country. Part of our goal is to revolutionize therapy to focus on mind, body, and spirit while allowing our clients to feel empowered and in control of their mental health treatment. 

You may be someone who has very little faith in the community of mental health professionals because of your past experience or lack of access to quality mental health. If given the chance though, our wellness services and clinical professionals can help you today. Sokya understands the importance of everyone having access to quality mental health care. Please allow us to help you today.

July is National Minority Mental Health Month. Similar to National Minority Health Month, which takes place in April, National Minority Mental Health Month focuses on spreading awareness about mental health and the struggles that minority communities face in accessing quality mental health services. Some obstacles often experienced by these communities include lack of insurance, limited access to resources, and language barriers. However, with the rise of virtual treatment, there are more options than ever for individuals to access the mental health care they need. SokyaHealth was created specifically from the need for more mental health and wellness services in the online space. With our whole-person approach to treatment and clinical professionals, we can provide more quality treatment to all individuals across the country. If you’re struggling to access quality mental health treatment within a minority community or just need someone to talk to online, call Sokya at 800-930-0803 today.

More than 50% of Americans struggle with mental health.

Headlight is now collaborating with health plans and companies to make therapy more accessible and affordable. Speak to a Care Coordinator today.